The UCAN, United Chamber Advocacy Network, is a coalition of 10 local Chambers including, El Dorado County, El Dorado Hills, Elk Grove, Folsom, Lincoln, Rancho Cordova, Rocklin, Roseville Area, Shingle Springs/Cameron Park, and Yuba-Sutter Chambers of Commerce.
The mission of UCAN is to advocate for business issues in the Greater Sacramento Region, to promote a positive business climate and to further pro-business ideas on regulations, public safety, workforce development, and housing at the state level. UCAN works to ensure our region is a vibrant and prosperous place to conduct business and live. We are committed to advancing existing business and attracting new economic opportunities though improving public policy.

UCAN has retained the services of Smith Policy Group which provides a team-oriented approach to solving their clients’ legislative, regulatory, and funding priorities. Whether its legislative strategy, regulatory support, project and program funding development, budget process expertise, or overall policy guidance, SPG has strategically assembled a team of experts to meet their clients’ needs. The firm has deep expertise in the areas of natural resources, water, infrastructure, energy, transportation, and more and has widespread relationships with Legislative leadership and the Governor’s office, including key committee chairs, staff and members of policy and budget committees.